Sunday, April 10, 2011

Print Books

All my books (except Pepe) are now available in print at and can be ordered for a very reasonable price, as long as you use the discount code, which I've listed below for each book.
Eetoo:, using the discount code: UTWBALYA to get it for $11.32
The Story of Saint Catrick:, using the discount code 28WW23YK for $5.45
The Zondon:, using the discount code MGPQ6GDC for $12.45

Pepe should be available in a few days. It already has a sales page, but you'll have to wait until it's finished.

Pepe:, using the discount code MBPH3QYY for $7.30

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Print editions coming soon

The last posting said my print books were available at Lulu. That's no longer so. I've decided to have all my books available for print with Create Space. Pepe will also be available in print through them as well -- more on that later.